Broken Mirrors

Do we feel broken because we are, or do we feel (broken) because we think wrong about WHO and HOW we are? Are we even right about ourselves? Isn’t most of the population constantly underestimating themselves? And since we underestimate ourselves at things that actually matter, we then simply go for “proving ourselves”? Sometimes weContinue reading “Broken Mirrors”

The Lunacy

World is a very complex place right now. I don’t think it has been less twisted for a long time (let’s not go back to the age of dinosaurs) – it’s more likely that we are getting more information at a faster speed. And so it SEEMS more hectic. We won’t know everything ever, norContinue reading “The Lunacy”

Sapientia et Doctrina (Wisdom and Learning)

Appreciation seems to be the key to happiness. And education is behind the appreciation. You see, you can like a piece of music, or dislike it. But you can learn a bit about music: what forms it, the relationship between the frequencies, different scales. You can even try to put a song together, or justContinue reading “Sapientia et Doctrina (Wisdom and Learning)”

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