Trust Life

Our dog went for an unsupervised walk (it’s not ideal but it’s ok because the area is rural and he knows his way back). He did not return at night, which was a bit strange but has happened before if lady dogs have been involved.

This morning, we get a call from a German woman stating that she’s “finally caught him” after 48 hours (he has not been missing for even 24) and that she has a female dog he’s interested in. Duh. But now she had had enough and wanted the dog gone – so she announced.

Her villa was near but I couldn’t find it easily, and I told her to release the dog – he would find his way home from there. She refused. That I already found strange.

So I finally got to the right house. I asked her again to release the dog. All of a sudden she started verbally attacking me, saying that I should be thanking her. Then she asked me to go in her house to get him. I wasn’t comfortable.

Ok. This is a rural area, as said. But to go in someone’s house like that? It’s also a rich area. And what if it was a he not a she?

She also threatened to call police. I didn’t want to cause more of a scene but it would have been my rights to call the force because she literally kidnapped the poor pup.

I wanted to lessen the dog’s upset so in I went. He was locked away in a separate room. He’s a sweet little one who would not go to strange people unless they have a dog. He loves living in an outdoors space and is not an indoors animal. He is well kept, so anyone would see he’s not lost or abandoned.

It’s kind of strange to move to another country and start to dictate how things should be done. Teach by example – yes. But to behave in such an agressive way? The only lesson is – don’t be like this “Karen”. Please, trust life.

Published by Zee

Life MUST feel like adventure. If it does not, you can do better!

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